On November 21-22, the third industry scientific and
technical conference "New Technologies in Shipbuilding" (NTS
- 2024) was held in St. Petersburg at the Center for
Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Technology.
Mr. N.A. Korneichuk, Chief Consultant and Head of SEA TECH
Group in St. Petersburg, presented the report
"K3-Ship as an alternative solution to foreign shipbuilding
CAD systems". The report provided information about the
current version of the well-known domestic CAD system
The K3-Ship system has been used in Russian
shipbuilding for about 15 years. The server part of the current version is based on Linux OS
and PostgreSQL DBMS, while the client part is still
operating on Windows OS. The system is multi-user and
geographically distributed. Together with Sea Solution,
UpNEST, RodsFEM, EquBRUS and Sea Hydro software (our Software for
Shipbuilding), K3-Ship
provides a complete complex for designing and production of
working design and technological documentation for almost
all types of commercial vessels.
Today the main modules of
the system are: Administrator, Hull, Equipment, Pipelines, the functions of which are constantly being developed. With
the current version of K3-Ship it is possible to solve the
tasks of production preparation for hull, foundations, decks,
lining, equipment installation and pipelines laying.
More detailed information is available on the website of our
partners, the GeOS Ñompany -
and in the
(pdf, RUS).