All rights for Sea Solution belong to Sea Tech ltd.
Sea Solution is CAD system for shipbuilding. Sea Solution
had been developed by the team of Sea Tech ltd. specialists
in Nizhni Novgorod, Russia.

Sea Solution is comfortable tool for geometric simulation and
design especially for fairing lines and shell plates development.
Graphics Editor:
menu, unlimited
view port, working views, perspective views, named views,
3D-graphics, customizable toolbars, shaded, sections visualization,
block and layer operations, blocks tree, surface intersections, 3D
volume clipping, online help. You can
use the Graphics Editor for creating geometrical model of a ship in
interactive mode. You will be able to design hull and superstructure
surfaces, define decks, bulkheads, seams and butts.
Group Tools:
delete, clone, move,
rotate, mirror, scale, array, trim, split, explode, extend, fillet,
chamfer, offset, smooth, project, object properties, approximation
and deviation control.
point, line, rectangle,
spline, B-spline, bezier, surface, tangent, arc, size, text,
crossing, line cut, surface cut, fillet, rotate, extrude, pipe,
profile, offset, webbed.
Data Base:
object-oriented, undo/redo,
hierarchical model, team-work.
numeric input, .x, .y, .z
point filters, object, grid, ortho snaps, layers, layer filtering,
Equipment Library
has possibilities to create regular equipment and to use it.
SRF (FastShip), DBG (Intergraph), IGES, STC, VDA-FS, Foran (FORMF),
Autokon (DFREG), Autokon (TRACUR), AutoHydro (gf1).
Sea Solution consist of two main modules: Surface and

surface definition begins from
determination of boundary curves and
surfaces. Once defined surface can
be easy modified on any projecting
phases. The module is able to define
hull surfaces for any type of ships,
surfaces of superstructures, decks,
platforms and bulkheads. The
Surface Module
is able to create libraries of
typical shapes and to use typical
elements in new projects.
flexible tools for building surfaces of any shape;
build in functions for working with surfaces such surface of
revolution, surface of stretch, surface of coupling;
support of surface changes according to changed contour;
affine transformations of blocks and whole hull;
hierarchical structure of blocks and operations of moving,
rotating, symmetric reflection, etc.;
creating surfaces intersection and surface curves;
automatized input of data for approximation;
automatic and manual approximation of curves and surfaces using
offset data;
building of equidistant curves and surfaces;
flexible tools to control curves and surfaces shape;
visual inspection of curve and surface curvature by building
sections, rendering surfaces, Gaussian curvature;
building of inflection on surface sections;
possibilities for storing text information for an object;
libraries of predefined surface shapes such as bulbs and etc.;
transfer data for hydrostatic calculations;
output drawings files such as body lines with frames and
stations, shell expansion, decks and stringers lines and etc;
offset table;
import/export DXF, ASF, IDF, SRF (FastShip), DBG (Intergraph),
IGES, STC, VDA-FS, Foran (FORMF), Autokon (DFREG), Autokon (TRACUR),
AutoHydro (gf1)
module uses the Surface Module results. The Shell
Module is able to create mathematical model of hull
structure. Using the module you can define decks, longitudinal and
transversal bulkheads, thrusters, anchor pockets, platforms. Then
you can create and develop shell plates. Output documentations is
tested by long term manufacturing application.
continued model of shell plating for all design stages;
hierarchical model of elements of hull structure;
parametric linked dependences;
possibilities to trace any lines on ship surfaces such as decks
and hull intersections, seams, butts and etc.;
full set of shell plates output documentations;
weight and center of gravity calculation;
shell expansion drawing output;
shell plates offset table output;
export developed plates to DXF